Our colleagues from the CEPAAL have proposed a novel alternative to the Virgin Olive Oil Competition at the National Olive Growing Fair
Junho 5, 2020
The Sustainolive coordinator has resumed visits to olive farms once trips between provinces have been allowed
Junho 9, 2020

Moisés Caballero Páez, general secretary of the CRDOP during the last 15 years and received the Award for the Promotion of the Aeolian Olive Grave

Moisés Caballero Páez, general secretary of the CRDOP during the last 15 years and received the Award for the Promotion of the Aeolian Olive Grave.

CRDOP groups about 4.500 olive producers in the Seville and Cordoba (Southern Spain) and about 7 million olive trees (mostly under integrate production) and 40,000 hectares producing annually about 30 million kg of extra virgin olive oil.