Interview with Professor Kamal Targuisti of the Faculty of Sciences of the Abdelmalek Essaâdi University of Morocco
Julho 17, 2020
SUSTAINOLIVE with the European Association for Innovation in Productive and Sustainable Agriculture of the European Union (EIP Agri)
Julho 31, 2020

Sustainolive partners have published an opinion article in the Expresso newspaper on “Sustainability of Agriculture in the Alentejo”

Our Portuguese colleagues Teresa- Pinto Correa and José Muñoz have published an opinion article in the Expresso newspaper on “Sustainability of Agriculture in the Alentejo”, which emphasizes the crucial role for sustainable agriculture of the scarcity of soil and water resources, as well as the dangers and opportunities in the face of climate change derived from the recent expansion and intensification of crops in the Alentejo. The article is based, among others, on data extracted during the characterization analysis of the SUSTAINOLIVE WP2, and both the first autor, Teresa Pinto-Correia, and José Muñoz are part of the SUSTAINOLIVE team.

Sustentabilidade da agricultura no Alentejo em risco