16 Ottobre, 2020

Progress in work package 6 of the SUSTAINOLIVE project. Dr. Gema Parra Anguita, University of Jaén

On September 29, and within the framework of the 2nd International Meeting of the SUSTAINOLIVE project, the advances in work package 6 were presented. Dr. Gema Parra Anguita develops her work in the Department of […]
16 Ottobre, 2020

Travel to Morocco of the team from the University of Jaén and Tekieroverde to meet our SUSTAINOLIVE partners

Travel to Morocco of the team from the University of Jaén and Tekieroverde to meet our SUSTAINOLIVE partners
7 Ottobre, 2020

SUSTAINOLIVE en la radio. Belén Fernández, investigadora del IRTA, socio del proyecto.

SUSTAINOLIVE en la radio. Belén Fernández, investigadora del IRTA, socio del proyecto. En el siguiente enlace podéis escuchar el reportaje: https://www.ccma.cat/catradio/alacarta/el-primer-sector/canvi-climatic-i-sostenibilitat-els-reptes-del-sector-de-lolivera-que-estudia-lirta/audio/1080341
6 Ottobre, 2020

Last Friday, October 2, was the closing ceremony of the 2nd annual and international meeting of SUSTAINOLIVE

Last Friday, October 2, was the closing ceremony of the 2nd annual and international meeting of SUSTAINOLIVE. During the 4 days of meeting, the partnership of SUSTAINOLIVE had the opportunity to learn about the progress […]
29 Settembre, 2020

2nd SUSTAINOLIVE International Meeting has started, with the participation of 50 people from the 22 institutions

Today, September 29, the 2nd SUSTAINOLIVE International Meeting has started, with the participation of 50 people from the 22 institutions (Tunisia, Morocco, Greece, Portugal, Spain and Italy) participating in the project. During the meeting, those […]
25 Settembre, 2020

2nd Annual meeting of Sustainolive

16 Settembre, 2020

Fatima Raji Allah. Agricultural women’s cooperative Zaouia (Ass. Tismounine)

Fatima Raji Allah. Agricultural women’s cooperative Zaouia (Ass. Tismounine). She has a PhD ‘Spaces & society’, laboratory of geography rural, University Paul Valéry Montpellier III and is specialist in medicinal and aromatic plants and essential oils. […]
8 Settembre, 2020

José Muñoz Rojas, Universidad de Évora

His research focuses on the development of novel approaches targeting key challenges and opportunities for sustainable land use and landscape change (e.g. sustainable intensification, landscape conservation and climate change adaptation). He has participated as a […]
1 Settembre, 2020

The prestigious magazine Meracei has published the article “Promoting the sustainability of olive groves in the Mediterranean Basin” on the SUSTAINOLIVE project.

The prestigious magazine Meracei (https://www.mercacei.com), specialized in olive groves and olive oil, has published the article “Promoting the sustainability of olive groves in the Mediterranean Basin” on the SUSTAINOLIVE project. The project, whose final objective […]